Privacy Policy

For me TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION, our users are the most important thing, which is why for the treatment and protection of the personal data that you provide us, we adhere to the guidelines established by the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations, in accordance with this notice.

TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION is responsible for the purposes of the provisions of said Law, with address at Calle 8 exterior number 9, Progreso Nacional neighborhood, Gustavo A. Madero, C.P. 07600, in Mexico City.

The personal data we collect is: identification, contact and employment; This information will be used solely and exclusively for the purposes mentioned below and in accordance with the express or tacit consent that you give us.

Primary objectives

The data you provide will be used to provide the service you request from us: verify and confirm your identity as the owner of these, send promotional materials physically or electronically, respond to requests, suggestions, questions, complaints and complaints about any of our services or products, create databases, respond to notifications and requirements from any competent authority.

Secondary objectives

Additionally, we will use your personal information for the following purposes, which are not directly necessary for the requested service, but which allow us to provide you with better service: creating profiles of clients, prospects or users of our services and products; carry out market research for quality and customer satisfaction purposes with our products and services; use your information for marketing activities, promotions, commercial prospecting and advertising through newspapers, magazines, television, social networks and any other visual, printed or sound media.

Mechanisms to express your refusal to process data related to secondary objectives

In the event that you do not want your personal data to be processed for any of the secondary purposes, you can present your request from this moment, making the corresponding statement in this regard to the email with your full name and a copy of your valid official ID attached. If you do not express your refusal, it will be understood that you authorize the use of your personal information for these purposes.

Derived from the above, TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION commits to using and storing your personal information for the time strictly necessary and by virtue of which we are legally justified to retain said information in terms of the provisions on administrative, accounting, fiscal and/or legal matters, giving it appropriate treatment under the relevant security measures.

Data transfers

We inform you that TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION may transfer your personal, patrimonial and/or financial data to any authority that so reasonably required.

Means and procedure for the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of personal data (ARCO Rights)

TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION guarantees the right that you have to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition.

To send any request related to the exercise of its ARCO Rights, a free writing must be submitted by the owner or his legal representative, either physically, to the address indicated above or electronically to the email

The writing must contain:

1. Name of the applicant, including a copy of their official identification; If acting through a legal representative, you must present the official identification of the owner and the public instrument that certifies the representation, or a power of attorney signed by two witnesses.

2. Address or means of communication to inform the response to the request, as well as the clear and precise description of the personal data that you wish to access, rectify, cancel or object to, as well as any other element that facilitates the location of your data.< /p>

In addition to the above, depending on the right you want to exercise, you must specify the following:

  • Access.- you must indicate the personal data that you need to know.

  • Rectification.- you must attach to the request the certificate with which you intend to prove the data that you wish to correct, complete or update.

  • Cancellation.- will proceed when you no longer have any legal relationship with TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION and it is no longer legally justified to retain the information. When you cancel your data, it is blocked and, where appropriate, will be kept for the period indicated by the law of the matter that justifies such conservation.

  • Opposition.- it is necessary that you specify which of the purposes of this notice you wish to object to; However, it should be noted that the exercise of this right will not proceed in cases where the treatment is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation imposed on TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION

Once the request is received, TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION. will proceed within a period of twenty days to inform the owner if his request is appropriate and, if so, it will be effective within fifteen days following the date on which said response is communicated.

The aforementioned deadlines may be extended only once for an equal period, as long as it is justified by the circumstances of the case and in accordance with applicable legislation.

It is important to mention that TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION may deny access, rectification, cancellation or grant opposition to the data. personal, in the following cases:

– When you are not the owner of the personal data or your legal representative is not duly accredited to do so.

– When your personal data is not found in the databases owned by TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION.

– When the rights of a third party are violated.

– When there is a legal impediment or resolution of a competent authority that restricts access to personal data or does not allow rectification, cancellation or opposition thereof.

– When the rectification, cancellation or opposition has been previously made.

The identification and contact information of the person who will be in charge of following up on requests for ARCO Rights are:

Name: Gilberto Gutierrez Rojas


Address: Calle 8 exterior number 9, Progreso Nacional neighborhood, Gustavo A. Madero mayor’s office, C.P. 07600, in Mexico City.

Telephone: 55 4346 7859

You may obtain the requested information or data by exercising your right of Access, through simple copies, electronic documents or any other selected means.

Mechanisms and procedures to revoke consent

TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION. guarantees your right to revoke the consent you have given for the processing of your personal data; However, it is important that you consider that not in all cases we will be able to respond to your request or terminate the use immediately, due to the existence of legal obligations for which it is necessary to continue processing your personal data.

To revoke your consent, you must send your request to, where you can learn about the procedure and requirements with the designated contact person.

Options and means to limit the use or disclosure of personal data

In order for you to limit the use or disclosure of your personal data, TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION puts at your disposal available the following email: where you can request your exclusion from distribution lists for advertising purposes.

The use of cookie identifier technology on our Internet portal

We inform you that our Internet page uses cookies, through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as a user to provide you with a better service and experience when browsing our page, as well as to offer you products and services related to your preferences.

The personal data obtained through these technologies are: browsing hours, browsing time on our site, sections consulted and Internet pages visited prior to ours.

You can change your Internet browser settings to be notified when you receive a cookie or to block cookies from being sent.

Changes in the notice and/or privacy policy

TECHNICS BLOCK CONSTRUCTION will inform you of the changes through the website, which can be consulted at any time through from this same site in the link

Last update date: November 05, 2023